Author: Heych

  • “Along the wrists,” came a voice, a Swiss knife showed up beside her a few seconds later. Tabitha scanned the blade, her brows knit in confusion. She turned her confused stare up to him, the stranger suddenly in her bathroom. “What?” she asked shakily, sinking further into her now-cold bathwater. “Cut along, not across. Rookie…


  • “I’m sorry Grandma, bu-but I just need to get some fresh air.” I start to sob, turning back.  The doorway was now a wall. I swivel around and look for something I can hold onto. The tears are streaming down my face now. “Laura Oyindamola Jacobs, stop being rude to your grandmother and join us…


  • It seemed so peaceful outside, harsh against the now-playing memory of seeing Grandpa on the stairs, his face torn to bloody shreds against the then-white walls, Grandma cutting into my neck, stabbing Dad before killing herself.   Night fell quickly, and soon my room was dark, the bulbs doing nothing but throw harsh shadows in…


  • It felt like I knew it.This place I’d been to before.A long, long time ago. The car turned off the main road into a smaller one and I lurched in the seat, looking out through the side mirrors. We’d been the only ones on the road for hours now. The familiarity gave way to unease…


  • Last time I let him touch me, my limbs were tied to the bed posts and he knelt between my legs, trailing a hunters knife over the spot of flesh that concealed my womb. “Red’s my favorite color ” he said, looking at me again “you should wear it more often.”


  • It was her birthday, she turned not only older, but wiser and fiercer.. at least that’s what the birthday card said, as well as calling her a goddess boss bitch. But here she was, riding in the car with her friends, her heading noddling to some music in the background, upset. She always got upset…


  • The third order came in days after the lamb stew delivery, a referral from that client even; it was for a large batch of Chili con Carne for the same night! Worries of getting caught had now become a small voice in my mind.  I picked the phone up and walked into the kitchen while…


  • It had been two weeks since the bridal shower. The first call I got after the whole thing was from the bride herself, and for a moment there I admit that I was scared, but she just wanted to thank me for such an amazing meal, that she had given my contact out to a…


  • I watched as the trucks drove into our neighborhood, the flat screens they had erected at the junctions were already running, groups of people gathered and watched lazily as the men hopped out of them and set up folding tables. In the announcements made before today, the president said he wanted everyone to be part…


  • Before I opened my eyes this morning I realized two things; one, it was as hot as the hinges of hell, the damn thermostat must have tripped off in the middle of the night again. The other was that I was late for work, very late. I bolted out of bed, stubbed my little toe…
